Annual Inspections
Annual fire safety inspections are a significant part of fire prevention in the San Miguel Consolidated Fire Protection District.
The Fire Prevention Bureau has the authority, and in many cases, is required to inspect buildings, structures, and premises on an annual basis within our jurisdiction.
The California Health and Safety Code, sections 13109 and 13110 grant us the authority to enter any building or premises, not used for dwelling purposes, to enforce fire safety.
To defray costs associated with fire safety inspections, the California Health and Safety Code, section 13146.2b, allows local jurisdictions to charge and collect a reasonable fee.
Fee Schedule Effective 07-15-2024.pdfFurthermore, many business are required to obtain an operational permit if they intend to conduct business that is regulated by the California Fire Code. Before a new operational permit is granted, the fire code official is authorized to conduct an inspection of any and all buildings, devices, premises, storage spaces or areas to be used to determine compliance. For reference, see CCR, Title 24, Part 9: California Fire Code, section 105.
Annual Fire Inspection Checklist